How to improve your odds when investing in dental SEO

November 22, 2021

2 simple steps have taken my dental SEO company from a good track record to a predictably perfect track record.

I talk to dentists who are interested in getting more new patients every day. One common theme I’ve noticed with dentists who are unhappy with their current or previous marketing provider is that there was always a lack of sufficient research before signing the contract.

Many dentists feel that signing a marketing contract is the problem, but upon closer inspection, I’ve discovered that in every case where a dentist regrets signing a marketing contract, it involves little to no research before signing. The research, should it be sufficient, will actually cause many dentists who think they want a particular kind of marketing to learn it won’t help them reach their goals. For instance, ⅗ dentists who contact me about SEO for their dental practice website have found that I don’t recommend my SEO services automatically. That’s because the research I perform disqualifies the dentist for SEO.

Just as not everyone who calls your practice is qualified for one particular procedure or another, not every dentist should do SEO or Google Ads or any other specific kind of marketing avenue.

The goal isn’t to do a particular kind of marketing tactic. The goal is to get you more and better patients. That’s why my marketing analysis is such a critical part of my initial process. Without a marketing analysis that turns over every stone, we’re basically flying blind as to what kind of marketing should work best for you.

Sometimes dental professionals think I only do SEO for dentists. This isn’t the case, but I do have a strategy that revolves around it. I do many forms of marketing, including but not limited to SEO, Google Ads or PPC marketing, dental website design, social media marketing, and various forms of advertising. But why should I offer any of these to you when we haven’t had an opportunity to see which one is right for you? I’ve noticed is that many marketing companies who offer product A always seem to think product A will get you the new patients that you want. Somehow, they just seem to know. Every. Time.

What if we started with what tends to offer the highest ROI and then used a process of elimination to rule it out, given evidence that indicates as much? What if we used actual logic instead of sales pitches? What if you thought of SEO in the same way as other decisions you make in your life...fully informed? What if we did the equivalent of an initial oral exam, only for marketing instead of dentistry?

My 2 step process:

  1. Find out how many new patients you would actually get from Google if you managed to rank.

    Instead of rank speculation provided by biased SEO companies, let’s look at third-party data indicating how many people are looking for a dentist in your geographic area. We can also break down how many of those prospective new patients are looking for a specific kind of dental treatment (such as dental implants or Invisalign).
  2. Find out what it’ll take to get to the top of Google for those keywords.

    In my SEO course, I go over just how much work goes into making sure we’ve looked at every SEO factor. It’s absolutely critical if you hire an SEO company that they understand the hidden dangers, risks, pitfalls, and various snares involved in trying to get your dental website to the top of Google’s search results. Find out what the blueprint to success is before investing a penny into SEO. Excuses and sudden discoveries that the competition was higher than expected when you initiated SEO are unacceptable. You deserve better than to be given the sudden illumination of SEO inviability 6 months or later into your SEO campaign.

With these two steps in my marketing analysis, you can find yourself fully informed about what course to take. Just like a new patient who accepts an initial oral exam.


About the Author - Justin Morgan

Justin Morgan is the CEO and founder of what most of us affectionately refer to as the “DMG.” From all circles within the dental industry who address dental marketing as a topic, Justin Morgan is the dental marketing guy that everyone keeps talking about.

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