Justin: Welcome to the Dental Marketing Guy Show. I’m Justin, the dental marketing guy, and today we're talking about how you can get confident. If you talk with any clinician on the lecture circuit they'll tell you to master your craft. If you talk to any marketer they'll tell you to do whatever it is they're selling. To a medical device sales rep they may want you to buy the next gizmo. I like to take a different approach, do that which makes you proud. If you're proud of the work you do you'll naturally treat your patients better. They’ll feel your confidence before, during, and after that implant procedure or same-day crown placement. A confident dentist has an aura about them that puts your patients at ease, patients who are comfortable with you and confident in your skills will refer more often, compliment your services with more credibility in online reviews and promote your practice in ways you might not even think of. Nothing has as high in ROI as a dentist with confidence. If you're a dentist with confidence in your clinical skills consider this closing message I have for you. Compared to other dentists do you take care of your patients? If the answer is yes consider putting yourself at the top of search engine results. Don’t those unaware of your practice deserve to find you?
Learn more at my dental marketing blog.